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Understanding Past Life Regression

Learn how PLR is a powerful technique to produce lasting healing

Session 1: Past Life Regression

What is Past Life Regression?

2 to 3 hour  /   Rs 7000

Past Life regression is like entering a gateway to your hidden memories. Memories of your past Life. Memories that hold the key to many experiences, fears, phobias, likings and problems associated with our present life. 


Let us understand this in detail. Our mind is divided into three parts :


The unconscious which operates at the level required for the functioning of our organs and where the basic life processes such as beating of our heart take place. We do not acknowledge or control this part of the mind.


Subconscious Mind
This part of the mind is the part where all our memories are stored and organised as per the emotional phases we experience 

Now we have the Conscious mind. This is the top most layer of our mind which processes our present moment and works to protect us from any traumas in the present moment.


PLR creates a bridge between our subconscious mind and our conscious mind so that the conscious mind is able to accept new beliefs and lessons and realize the healing awareness required in our present life. PLR heals us at many levels.


Here are some of the issues which can be alleviated through PLRT:



Fixation and Obsessions

Chronic diseases and psychosomatic Pains

Fears or phobias of snakes, heights, water, dark, creatures or anything 


Grief due to the demise of a loved ones

Unexplained Stress and anxiety 


Relationship problems

Repeating patterns of problems in life

Past Life Regression

How Past Life Regression (PLR) Works?

Let us say you have a shoulder ache. It really brings you lot of suffering and pain. You eat painkillers to suppress the pain, get tests done to see what triggers it. But you are unable to find the root cause to heal it. You only have solutions to supress it on a temporary level. It keeps coming again and again. Here is where PLR comes to the rescue. PLR and inner child healing can be used to go to the root cause of this pain and create an awareness that brings about a permanent form of healing in nature's own way at both your concious and Subconscious level. The therapy working at the root cause to heal and not to suppress the pain and suffering.


Myths Regarding PLR


Myth 1: Can I get stuck in a past life?
Many a times we revisit a past life with a traumatic event. Rather than getting stuck there the skilled hypnotherapist guides you how to bring about a beautiful awareness in the self by viewing the events as an observer and then coming back to the present moment with the best version of yourself. Since you are always aware of the session going on you can never get stuck in the past life.


Myth 2 : I can imagine a past life and it may not be real.
When we enter the hypnotic state, and we move through our past lives our emotions and visions are mostly so flashy and abstract that you would have to be Einstein or Shakespeare to so beautifully weave so many details and emotions together in such a fraction of seconds and then set it in connection with your present life as well. So remain assured that it is not unreal. Till you have no Faith to surrender and accept going for PLR for healing will make no sense.


Myth 3 : PLR has side effects
PLR has just as many side effects as Yoga or meditation. It can induce relaxation, deep soul awareness and healing of psychosomatic Pains and traumas. But whatsoever it has no side effects.

Myth 4 : What if I see something disagreeable, what will I do, will I be embarassed or judged. Is my confidentiality maintained?


Now understand one thing, a PLR therapist is like a doctor. If you hide anything, your healing will never be complete, your experience and realisation will not be effective. Thus I would request you to relax, surrender and share. Most importantly heal the very thing you are here for. Even if you see yourself as a murderer in a past life, you will not be judged, it's just a piece of missing puzzle for us nothing more than that. As far as confidentially is concerned, it is maintained 200 percent. We do not discuss your cases with anyone, they are not put up on any site or media for promotion. We heal you and your experience helps our growth on a spiritual level too. Nothing beyond that.

Myth 5 : I feel my session is expensive 
It takes a lot of focus, dedication, practice and energy of the therapist to guide you through an entire session. Secondly the session can take upto 3 hours at a go. Third but not the last, It's a difference in quality, a trained therapist licensed from an international organisation or a internet savvy therapist with half internet based information and no licence. Now you Decide. 

Myth 6 : I won't get hypnotised as I am very strong personality or very fragile.
Everybody can be hypnotised as long as they have a good IQ and they are willing to have faith and consent to get hypnotised for healing. If you don't have an intention to get healed, you have low IQ we can't help you definitely.


Myth 7: I may not have Past life or PLR is only for those who are spiritual.

We all have past lives if we are willing to accept this belief. It is scientifically researched as well as it is explained in many of the religious scriptures. And it is just your willingness to see it , that will take you there, we can guide you and show you the path if you co-operate with full consent.

Myths Regarding PLR

Session 2: Hypnotic Meditation for Stress Release



1.5 hour  /   Rs 3500

We basically use Hypnosis as a tool to create a bridge between the Subconscious mind and the Concious mind to process the memories required to heal any particular intention we have in our current life. 


What is Hypnosis ?

Hypnosis when used for therapy or healing is known as hypnotherapy, it is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. It’s a type of mind-body medicine.


A trained hypnotherapist guides you into this deep state of focus and relaxation with verbal guidance, repetition and visualisation of imagery. When you’re under hypnosis, this intense level of concentration and focus, you are able to tap into the part of your brain where your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, sensations, emotions, memory and behaviors originate.

In this state, you’re more open to modify these beliefs and behaviours and even identify the root cause of many psycho somatic pains and phobias.

Common Myths

Myth: You’re under the control of your hypnotherapist when you’re hypnotized.


Your hypnotist or hypnotherapist guides the hypnosis session, but hypnosis is something you create for yourself. You can’t be made to be in hypnosis and access your subconscious mind without your own consent and willingness. You won’t reveal any information that you wished to remain secret. You don’t lose control over your behavior. Hypnosis makes it easier to experience suggestions and be open to universal awareness but doesn’t force you to have certain experiences.


Myth: Hypnosis is nothing more than deep sleep.

Hypnosis isn’t sleeping. Because if you are sleeping you won't be able to hear the guided directions given by the hypnotherapist neither will you be able to answer back.

Myth : Hypnosis is Black Magic or Voodoo

Not at all. Hypnosis is just a tool of modern science as well as a spiritual tool of enhanced concentration that brings faith and modern science together and PLR is the bridge that is formed during hypnosis to give you healing through spiritual awareness.

Hypnotic Meditaton

Session 3: Inner Child Healing

Dabbing in Water

Inner Child Healing

2 hour  / Rs 7000



We all are the children of the divine. And within each of us whether we are 20 yrs, 40 yrs or 60 yrs, a child lives who desires to relive the tantrums and beautiful memories of our younger life. Like all of us love racing a paper boat in a puddle of rain, don't we. We all like cracking a few silly jokes. That's the inner child in us.


Sometimes as an adult don't you have those incidences where you feel scared, angry or frustrated but you have no idea why you are reacting this way. The modern world has found a common word to relate to all these situations: Stress. You convince yourself that you are under stress so you are overreacting. But these reactions cost us our health, our relations and even our basic peace of mind in the long term. Many a times it is the suppression of traumas at physical and emotional level in our childhood that become the reasons of our hyper reactions, our fears, our phobias and even our unpredictable behaviour. 


Just to see a small example a child who was often scolded and looked down during their childhood has no idea why they end up screaming at their children for no reason and why despite of the best promotions at workplace, they have insecurities about their position in the company. 


In such cases hypnotherapy plays a wonderful role where an individual can be taken back to those traumatic childhood memories, they can relive and face their fears, redirect and realign their reactions to such situations and empower the inner child within themselves. This brings about a beautiful form of healing that brings about a wonderful awareness in us at our concious and Subconscious level of mind, it makes us feel free of the burdens of suppressed traumas we carry and definitely brings out that happier child form in us.


A college student complaining of a stomach ache for no reason, a boss who is always angry, a girl who always has issues about her looks, a child who hates his parents (whereas parents claim to be loving and devoted) all these are adults who may benefit from inner child healing therapy.


Sometimes individuals jump to their past lives during Inner Child Healing sessions. And usually it is after discussion and counselling about the intention when the therapist decides which form of healing PLR or Inner Child healing is required.

Inner Child Healing

Session 4: Angel Meditative Healing

Angel statue

Angel Meditative Healing

1.5 hour  / Rs 3500

​All of us have a guardian Angel. They can be the souls of the living around us such as our parents or the Higher Divine such as Lord Krishna or Sai Baba. Depends where you place your faith and devotion. Children love to place their faith in Fairies and the elders in the Divine Almighty usually. The Guardian Angels guide us, love us , heal us and protect us and we can reach out to them for these purposes when we need them as well. To connect to these Guardian Angels, Hypnosis and meditation gives a therapeutic tool to help you. All we need is to reach out to our Guardian Angel, to connect and help is presented in its strongest and purest form. We guide you through this process of Hypnosis and focus to connect with your Guardian Angel, to connect and heal yourself. To feel Cleansed and Pure, Feel loved and protected under their Divine Energy. It's a beautiful meditative journey and very enchanting as well.

Angel Meditative Healing
Tarot Card Reading

Session 5: Tarot Card Reading


Tarot Card Reading

Rs 1100 for 2 specific questions

From Time eternal Tarot cards have been used as a tool for providing Divine guidance to humans as to what path they should take where they feel unable to decide the further course of journey. From confusion of whether to set up a business to the mundane confusion of believing or not trusting a loved one, one can use Tarot Card reading as a tool for clearing our mind based on our intuition. Faith and intuitive plays a vital role in Tarot Card reading and remember Tarot Card reading is done for guidance. It does not offer fortune or future telling. So please be clear when you book your session for Tarot card Reading with us. The Question has to be specific and the answer is also then very clear. We do not do random readings and neither we do reading for repetitive questions. It does not work then. 

We always pray to the Divine before we start the session and ask you to keep an open mind. We guide you what the cards offer to share with you , not what you want to hear or what pleases you. So do not reframe questions rather try to go with the guidance for the highest Good. May God be your ultimate guide.


NOTE: We do readings around the questions to give you a detailed answer and satisfy your query. Payment has to made in advance.


What to expect as an outcome of the session?

Calm Sea

After the session most people feel great as if a heavy burden has been lifted or released from them. Some also feel a slight headache as the mind finds it a little too much to process such a lot of newly acknowledged information. The Subconscious mind opens up the memories that bring the required awareness for present healing. We carry a pattern of beliefs and emotional and physical traumas over the many lifetimes, which become a reason of many struggles we face in our present life. PLR breaks the pattern of these beliefs and helps to release these physical and emotional traumas so that our we feel healed to our soul level.

Book an Appointment with
Dr. Simran Saini

For Sessions and Consultations
Step1: Fill the form stating your intention clearly as to why you want to go for a PLR Session and what is the outcome you are looking for.
Step2:  is a Good discussion or Pre Talk. Read about PLR all the details that we share with you and clear out your doubts as to how it will help you.
Step 3: is to make the payment via the payment link which will shared with you. Now we start with your preparation for the session.
Step 4: is to fill the form with clear details and intentions.
Step 5:  is the session itself which may take anything from 1 to 4 hours at a go. 

Thanks for submitting!

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Near Rathwala Mandir
New Delhi 110034

© 2022 by Dr. Simran Saini. Site by PLRC

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